Promus Sync Academy 2024
At synkronisere – eller at “synce” – kaldes det, når man kobler lyd og levende billeder sammen – hvilket sker konstant i det mediebillede, der omgiver os. Det er svært at forestille sig at se film, TV, serier, reklamer, spille computerspil og meget mere uden musik. Men hvad er det for nogle processer, der ligger bag, når musikken og de levende billeder kobles sammen? Det er det, vi sætter fokus på i forløbet Promus Sync Academy 2024.
See English below
Promus Sync Academy finder sted i København over tre dage i løbet af februar med internationale og danske oplægsholdere og undervisere. Mette Zähringer fra Iceberg Music Group vil give det overordnede indblik i sync, når det handler om rettigheder og clearinger. Mikkel Maltha vil fortælle om sit arbejde som supervisor for bl.a. “Druk”, “Carmen Curlers” og “Ruben”. Desuden vil Josh Rabinowitz fra Brooklyn Music, New York, gennemgå hele arbejdet omkring musik og reklamer med en grundig indføring i udviklingen med udgangspunkt i oplægget “A Biased History of Music in Advertising” samt via en workshop for deltagerne.Placering af musik på trailers vil også være et emne, vi tager op, og her vil Vikram Gudi fra Elephant Music i London give en “Intro to trailers and how to work them”. Også denne præsentation vil blive efterfulgt at et brief.
Forløbet vil primært foregå på engelsk.
Undervisningssted: RMC, København, d. 6. – 8. februar 2024.
6. februar kl. 10:00 – 16:00: Basic intro + film score (Mette Zähringer/Iceberg Music Group & Mikkel Maltha/music supervisors/composer)
7. februar kl. 10:00 – 16:00: Intro trailers + brief – intro commercials/”A Biased History of Music in Advertising” & “An intro to trailers and how to work them” + brief (Josh Rabinowitz/Brooklyn Music & Vikram Gudi/Elephant Music, London)
8. februar kl. 10:00 – 16:00: Workshops and presentations from participants – discussion
Der er åbent for tilmeldinger nu.
Ansøg ved at skrive en mail om din faglige baggrund til
Ansøgningsfrist: 31. januar 2024 kl.12.
Det er gratis at deltage, men der er mødepligt ved tilmelding.
Promus Sync Academy produceres af Promus i tæt samarbejde med Musikforlæggerne i Danmark og med støtte fra Koda Kultur.
Open call for applicants for Promus Sync Academy 2024
Synchronizing – or “sync” – is what it’s called when you connect sound and moving images together – which happens constantly in the media image that surrounds us. It is hard to imagine watching movies, TV, series, commercials, playing computer games, and much more without music. But what kind of processes are behind it when the music and the moving images are connected? This is what we focus on in this course which we call the Promus Sync Academy.
The Promus Sync Academy takes place in Copenhagen over three days during February and will feature international and Danish presenters and teachers. Mette Zähringer from Iceberg Music Group will give the overall insight into sync when it comes to rights and clearings. Mikkel Maltha will talk about his work as supervisor for Academy winner “Another Round” as well as the TV-series “Carmen Curlers” and “Ruben”. Josh Rabinowitz from Brooklyn Music, New York, will review the entire work around music and advertising with a thorough introduction to the development based on the presentation “A Biased History of Music in Advertising” as well as via a workshop for the participants. The placement of music in trailers will also be a topic we address, and here Vikram Gudi from Elephant Music in London will provide an “Intro to trailers and how to work them.” This presentation will also be followed by a brief. The course is targeted for music biz professionals, songwriters and composers and will primarily be in English.
Location: RMC – Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen, the 6th – 8th of February 2024.
6th februar 10:00 – 16:00: Basic intro + film score (Mette Zähringer/Iceberg Music Group and Mikkel Maltha/music supervisors/composer)
7th februar 10:00 – 16:00: Intro trailers + brief – intro commercials/”A Biased History of Music in Advertising” & “An intro to trailers and how to work them” + brief (Josh Rabinowitz/Brooklyn Music & Vikram Gudi/Elephant Music, London)
8th februar 10:00 – 16:00: Workshops and presentations from participants – discussion
Applications are now open.
Apply by writing an e-mail with information on your professional background to
Application deadline: 31st of January 2024 at 12 noon.
It is free to participate, but there is an obligation to attend upon registration.
Promus Sync Academy is produced by Promus in close collaboration with the music publishers in Denmark and with support from Koda Kultur.
Foto øverst: Sync Academy 2023
Foto nederst: Sync Academy 2023
Praktisk info
Tid: d. 6. – 8. februar 2024
Sted: RMC, Leo Mathisens Vej 1, 1437 København
Ansøgningsfrist: mandag d. 31. januar 2024 kl. 12:00