Open-call: Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors @ SPOT+ 2022
Skrevet af Jesper Mardahl, 9.3.22 12:09
Vi gentager succesen fra 2021 med endnu en omgang Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors på SPOT+. Her giver vi unge musikbranchefolk, filmkomponister, lyddesignere producere og sangskrivere, muligheden for at pitche deres musik til et panel bestående af benhårde internationale music supervisors – foran et publikum.
(in English – see below!)
Photo: Flickr
Vi gentager succesen fra 2021 med endnu en omgang Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors på SPOT+. Her giver vi unge musikbranchefolk, filmkomponister, lyddesignere producere og sangskrivere, muligheden for at pitche deres musik til et panel bestående af benhårde internationale music supervisors – foran et publikum.
Vi samler en shortlist af de indkomne tracks, der vil blive udvalgt af en jury af danske fagfolk.
Disse tracks bliver så præsenteret overfor panelet der giver deres feedback og kommentarer. Og hvem ved – der kunne jo være materiale, som de måske kan bruge!
Panelet består af: Thomas Golubic/SuperMusicVision (US), Todd Porter/Hated Industries (US), Toddrick Spalding/Mob Scene (US), Dan Koplowitz/Friendly Fire (US), Connie Farr/Think Sync Music (UK), Roy Lidstone/A&G Music (UK) og Jesper Gadeberg/ (DK)
Vigtigt! Du ansøger ved at sende et nøje udvalgt track – tænk gerne noget, der er sync-egnet, samt kort info med din professionelle baggrund og evt. CV, og sender det til – deadline: Fredag d. 22. april, kl. 12:00
Send gerne link til Soundcloud eller lign., men ikke Dropbox eller Mp3.
Hvis du bliver udvalgt skal du være tilstede under vores session og du skal være enten akkrediteret eller have en SPOT+/SPOT Festival-billet.
Du skal også sikre dig, at du har alle rettigheder på både publishing- og master-siden.
For mere info kontakt
Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors finder sted lørdag d. 7. maj fra kl. 15:00 på Radisson BLU, Aarhus C.
Præsenteret af Promus & SPOT+ i samarbejde med Musikforlæggerne i Danmark og støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Koda Kultur.
For at deltage skal du have en SPOT+ billet:
Præsenteret af Promus & SPOT+ i samarbejde med Musikforlæggerne i Danmark og støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Koda Kultur.
With the Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors-session, we provide a new networking opportunity at SPOT+ for young music business professionals, score composers, producers, and songwriters to pitch their music to a panel of top-level international music supervisors – in front of an audience.
We will select a shortlist of tracks, which will be appointed by a jury of leading music supersivors, composers and publishers – and during the session these tracks will be presented to the panel who will give feedback and comments. And who knows – there might be stuff they could use.
The panel will consist of: Thomas Golubic/SuperMusicVision (US), Todd Porter/Hated Industries (US), Toddrick Spalding/Mob Scene (US), Dan Koplowitz/Friendly Fire (US), Connie Farr/Think Sync Music (UK), Roy Lidstone/A&G Music (UK) og Jesper Gadeberg/ (DK)
Apply by sending one carefully chosen track along with information on your professional background, CV etc. to – and no later than: Monday the 4th of April.
Track must be provided by link to Soundcloud etc. – not Dropbox or Mp3 etc.
Important notice: Applicants must be present during the session and must hold a SPOT+ – delegates-badge.
Keep in mind that the track you want to present must be completely cleared in regards to both the publishing- and master rights.
For further info, please contact
Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors: Saturday the 7th of May from 15:00 at Radisson BLU, Aarhus C.
Important! In order to particpate, you must have a SPOT+ ticket!
Presented by Promus in cooperation with SPOT Festival and supported by The Arts Council of Denmark and Koda Kultur.
Ansøgning: sendes til Deadline: Fredag d. 22. april, kl. 12:00