Networking & workshopping @ SPOT+ 2023 – news #3
Skrevet af Jesper Mardahl, 22.3.23 17:43
Netværk, netværk og atter netværk. Talent er vigtig, viden er vigtig – men uden netværk kommer man ikke langt i musikbranchen. Derfor arbejder vi hvert år på at styrke SPOT+ som den vigtigste netværksplatform for den danske musikbranche og vi er derfor glade for igen, at kunne byde velkommen til endnu en vifte af stærke netværksaktiviteter.
Meet The Germans
Welcome to this informal “mingling & networking”-event which will kick-start the networking activities at SPOT+ 2023. Here you can meet a delegation of music business representatives from Germany’s most important music city, Hamburg. Meet Guiliana Jacobi/Community Promotion, Annika Hachmeister/Skandaløs Festival, Tobias Lampe/hfn, Hannes Kuhr/Euphorie, Alexander Schuster/corner company, Verena Post/Neubau Music Management, Sebastian Król/Backseat, Marc Feldes/Pop-Up Records, Kolja Zimmermann/Kolja Zimmermann Music Consulting, Christoph Pancke/Selective Artists & Jules Müller/Ok Ciao Mgmt.
Friday: May 5th: 10:00 – 11:00 @ Radisson BLU, Aarhus
Participation only by sign-up – use this link.
Target group: Labels, publishers, managements & agencies – limited access, “first-come-first-serve”.
Presented by Hamburg Music in cooperation with MXD – Music Export Denmark, Promus & SPOT+
Music in Advertising: The Ideal and The Real – workshop for professionals working within music publishing, supervision, media and advertising
Europe in Sync is back at SPOT+! Music supervisor veterans, Markus Linde/thag’s agent, Hamburg and Nis Bøgvad/Copenhagen Film Music, will host this little intensive and focused session aimed for professionals from music, advertising and in-between discussing the state of their professional relationship and find out if there is room for improvement. The findings of the session shall, ideally, set in motion processes towards a better co-operation.
Friday: May 5th: 10:00 – 12:00 @ Radisson BLU, Aarhus
Closed session – limited capacity. For music business and advertising professionals. Synch-experience and active participation required. Please apply via this link.
Moderator: Markus Linde, Europe in Synch Academy, thag’s agent & Nis Bøgvad, Copenhagen Film Music.
Presented by Europe in Sync, Promus & SPOT+
Meet The Norwegians
We end this first day at the SPOT+ conference with yet another informal “mingling & networking” event when Music Norway invites people to this “Meet the Norwegians”-event.
Here you can meet a delegation of Norwegian music business agents: Simen Korneliussen from Vill Vill Vest, Jon Nguyen, Prosjektleder, NRK P3, Lennea Lysstad, Manager, MADE Management, Mathilde Orlien, Manager og Daglig Leder, GEMS, Maria Stene Brendstrup, Prosjektleder, Propeller Recordings, Johan Husvik-Olaussen, Arctic Rights Management, Celine Høie, Prosjektleder, Indie Recordings, Viljar Siljan, Manager, Blu Perspective Management & Nina Finnerud, Music Norway.
Friday: May 5th: 16:00 – 17:00: @ Radisson BLU, Aarhus
Participation only by sign-up – use the link.
Target group: Labels, publishers, managements & agencies – limited access, “first-come-first-serve”.
Presented by Music Norway, P3 Urørt & SØRF in cooperation with Promus & SPOT+
Netværksmøde for danske agenter og koncertarrangører
Det gode samarbejde mellem koncertarrangører og agenter om alt fra bookingproces til produktion og afvikling er vigtigt for, at vi sammen kan skabe de bedste koncertoplevelser. Derfor arrangerer Dansk Live i samarbejde med Promus og SPOT+ et netværksmøde, hvor agenter og bookere kan mødes for at skabe nye og tættere relationer. Netværksmødet giver også mulighed for at skabe en dialog om fælles udfordringer og et godt udgangspunkt for videre samarbejde.
Netværksmødet er forbeholdt danske agenter (independent eller fra bureau) og bookere fra danske festivaler eller spillesteder. Mød repræsentanter fra bl.a. Kulturium Musikteater, Fermaten, Kedelhuset, RAV / Kilden / Roskilde Festival, Gnisten/musikværket Ry, Gjethuset,
Kløften Festival og Spillestedet Stengade.
Der er begrænset antal pladser, og deltagelse på netværksmødet kræver tilmelding.
Det er kun muligt at tilmelde 1 person pr. organisation.
Lørdag d. 6. maj: 10:00 – 11:30 @ Radisson BLU, Aarhus
Ansøg via linket her.
Præsenteret af Dansk Live i samarbejde med Promus & SPOT+
Flere branchepersoner til vores “Meet The…”-sessions er kommet til!
Meet The Music Biz
Melanie Nexø/United Stage, Clara Friis/mngt, Emilie Pil/Friday Mngt & Sascha Rosing/Playground er blevet tilføjet til branchelisten – og der er stadig ledige pladser. hos de øvrige.
Fredag d. 5. maj: 11:30 – 13:00 @ Radisson BLU, Aarhus
Ansøg via linket her.
Præsenteret af Promus & SPOT+
Meet The Music Supervisors
Leslie Ming fra Zentropa er ny på holdet af music supervisors – men ellers er der nu kun få pladser tilbage hos Megan Barbour/Buddha Jones, Markus Linde/Thag’s Agent & Jesper Gadeberg/Musicstylist.com tilbage.
Fredag d. 5. maj: 13:30 – 15:30 @ Radisson BLU, Aarhus
Ansøg via linket her.
Presented by Promus & SPOT+ in cooperation the Music Publishers Association of Denmark and with the support from Koda Kultur and The Arts Council of Denmark.
Meet The Music Publishers
Torsten Cubel/Spanra, Simon Pursehouse/Sentric Music & Atena Banisaid fra Sony Music Publishing/Stockholm er blevet tilføjet til brancheholdet – og der er stadig pladser hos de øvrige.
Lørdag d. 6. maj: 10:00 – 11:00 @ Radisson BLU, Aarhus
Ansøg via linket her.
Presented by Promus & SPOT+ in cooperation the Music Publishers Association of Denmark and with the support from Koda Kultur and The Arts Council of Denmark.
… og husk også!
Saturday May 6th @ Radisson BLU
15:00 – 16:00: Pitch Your Music to Music Supervisors
With the Pitch Your Music To Music Supervisors-session, we provide a new networking opportunity at SPOT+ for young music business professionals, score composers, producers, and songwriters to pitch their music to a panel of top-level international music supervisors – in front of an audience.
We will select a shortlist of tracks, which will be appointed by a jury consisting of music publishers Charlotte Paludan/EWH & Laurits Bejder/The Bank and composers, Jesper Siborg & Anna Rosenkilde/BFM – and during the session these tracks will be presented to the panel who will give feedback and comments. And who knows – there might be stuff they could use.
Present your music to: Kristen Higuera/Deep Cut Music (US), Dan Burt/JWT Wunderman Thompson (US), Michelle de Vries (UK), Paty Carrera (ES), Catherine Grieves/Eyeline (UK), Kelsey Mitchell/Ignition Creative (US), Jesper Gadeberg/Musicstylist.com (DK) & Daniel Kuypers/BBDO (US)
Target group: Composers and music publishers – and it’s one participant, one track to pitch
Application link
Deadline: April 24th 2023
Presented by Promus & SPOT+ in cooperation the Music Publishers Association of Denmark and with the support from Koda Kultur and The Arts Council of Denmark.